A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Native American Brain Tracks!

We enjoy the American Heritage video called Native Americans!
I can't wait to read your wondersnew learningwows and questions. Please share at least three brain tracks.


  1. Learning about Native Americans. Is fun. Here is some stuff about Native Americans and what i thought. I was wondering about how Native Americans got to North America. Then that question was answered. North Americans came from Asia. Native Americans loved to hunt build and travel. All Native Americans live in a village. Each village has a chief like sequia and hiwatha. Each village has a different style house. Native Americans respect nature a lot. There are a lot of trading between Native Americans. Native Americans on flat ground follow buffalo . If Native americans live by rivers they usually fish. The men do the hunting and the women do the Guardning. And thats what I that about Native Americans.

  2. In Cherokee villages there are up to 300 to 400 homes! how do you trade prisoners? Each tribe hunted for food like buffalo.

  3. I enjoyed the Native American video. I have 3 things I am learning and wondering. How do you trade prisoners? Native Americans traded things like jewelry and clay pots. They settled in 6 different places.

  4. Here are my favorite three things that I have learned about Native Americans. First, Native Americans came from Asia by walking on a land bridge which was created when the sea level dropped. Second, Native Americans had a great respect for nature. Finally, they used buffalo chips as their source of fuel when making a fire.

  5. These are 3 brain tracks, questions or wow facts. The water levle dropped creating a land bridge. Native americans walked from Asia to america. And they used buffalo chips for fuel for fire.

  6. Native Americans have a respect for nature. The Spanish brought horses and sheep to America. Native Americans use all parts of the buffalo including their fur, their meat, and their chips. PS the chips are poop. They use the chips for fire to cook stuff in.

  7. 1 of my NL @ BK's were... N.A's had grate rspeced for nacher. 2: The water levle droped.3: the spanich brot them horsis.

  8. I really enjoyed learning all about Native Americans. I thought it was really cool how they have one house for the winter and one house for the summer. I loved how they worked together as a community, because when people work together things turn out better!

  9. Hi. I have a lot of facts for this video and it is my first time watching it! First this video was SO cool! My first question was how did they walk from Europe to North America! WOW: That is a lot of walking! I also did not know they used buffalo chips (poop) to light their fires. NL: I did not know the water level could drop like that!!! Another NL is that I did not know that the Spanish brought horse and sheep to America. My wonder/question: Did they starve since they only ate animals? Didn't they get sick of them? How did they get water? I hope you liked this video!

    1. This was by Max M

    2. Today and yesterday we were studying about Native Americans it was so cool don't you think. Here are some facts, 1. They had a great respect for natures cause if they killed an animal they used every part of it even it's poop! 2. Native Americans came from Asia on a land bridge. 3. there kids first pet was probably a guinea pig. 4.Native Americans work in tribes and tribes work together. 5. Some times the different tribes fought over land. Those are a few facts about Native Americans!

  10. These are my brain tracks: 1. All of the tribes of the Great Plains hunted buffalo for food and clothing. 2. NA ane not called indians, though Christopher Colombus did think so. 3. A Cherokee NA named Seqouya was the NA who created the first NA written language. 4. NA are very respectful to nature. 5.A Mowhawk named Hiawatha created the iraqoius confedaracy. Those are my interesting facts about NA!

  11. Today when we watched the Native Americans video, we learned a lot of new things about the NA. And I'm going to tell you three. One was the NA had a lot of respect for the nature. Another one was some of the tribes used buffalo for many resources and buffalo chips as fire fuel. The third one is a question about how would they trade prisoners.

  12. When I saw the video I thought WOW! That is so amazing that the Native Americans used things that were in their location. Also,the fact that they had so much respect for nature was new learning for me. I had some background knowledge that some Native Americans built teepees, such as the Kiawas and the Lacotas, but I did not know before that they used teepees so they could travel to follow buffalo

  13. These are my brain tracks: 1. All of the tribes of the great plains hunted buffalo for items. 2. The Spanish brought horses and sheep. 3. The N.A came from Asia on a land bridge.

  14. When i saw the native american video i thought WOW! that is so cool. I was impressed that they made their own houses with stuf in the outback. indiains came from asia.

  15. Katherine says:
    These are my brain tracks:
    1. When the water level went down it formed a land bridge and the Native Americans walked across it to North America
    2.The Spanish brought horses and sheep to America which the Native Americans learned to breed and ride
    3. They used buffalo chippings for their fires.
    4. Who were the first Native Americans?
    5. They have a great respect for nature.
    6. Native Americans settled in 6 different locations.

  16. We learned about Native Americans. NL They used buffalo chips to make a fire. They wore animal skin to disguise themselves from their enemies.They used teepees. The Spanish brought horses to help them fight. ? Did they travel places in wagons? NL They made houses that were called hogens. WOW! The women harvest and the men hunted for food. ? How far did they walk? WOW! They made a new language. NL The Kiowa Indians were one of the best fighters. They ate sheep, bear, deer and fish. It was fun and I can't wait to learn more!
