A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

iBook Success!

Today we each created our own page for our Oregon Trail iBook! Now all we have to do is name it, edit it and practice reading it for Pioneer Hour!

Please share your topic and a few facts with us.

Also, let us know what your favorite part of this process has been. Research? Typing your paragraph? Planning your widgets? Creating your page?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dr. Simpson's Lesson

Hi friends!
I wished I could have been there for Dr. Simpson's lesson today! Please share with me some of your thoughts about the lesson. What was her main idea? Do you have some new learning to share with me? What did you find interesting? Do you have any personal connections to her lesson?
                                                                                 Ms. Peach

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Journaling on the Oregon Trail!

Historical fiction is so much fun to write! It has been so much fun to see you all step back in time to the 1840's.

Please share some good things that will happen to you and your family and some bad things that will happen. We all know that traveling on the Oregon Trail was filled with highs and lows!

Please be specific. Tell us which family member is involved and include as many details as you can.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Oregon Trail Background Knowledge!

Our head are filling with Oregon Trail BK! Please share some of your new learning with us!

Remember...today we learned more about the wagons (aka prairie schooners), leaders, councils and travel guides.