A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dissecting a Sheep Brain

Today you located the...

  • brain stem
  • cerebellum
  • cerebrum
  • hippocampus
  • amygdala
  • prefrontal cortex
  • corpus callosum
Please share any new learning from this experience. I would love to read about the functions of these brain parts! Please teach me what you know!

Also, share your feelings about dissecting the sheep brain. 


  1. I thought dicepting a sheep brain was a really cool experience and very gross it was also very slimy it was smaller then I thought.

  2. I thought dissecting a sheep's brains was so much fun and awesome. I loved it! I love how the brain looked and how it felt. I love cutting it open too.

  3. Dissecting a sheep's brain in Science is sooooo cool! But some things surprised me, like that a sheep's brain is way, way, WAY more wrinkly than I thought it was going to be.
    Also, another thing that surprised me was that the sheep's cerebellum was pretty big, considering the size of the brain. I never really thought about the size of the cerebellum, but now it surprises me that a sheep has to use so much balance and coordination to adapt and to survive it's surroundings.
    Then, we made the incisions into the sheep's brain! (Poor sheep.)
    Anyway, we found the amygdala inside the brain. It looked kind of like a little hollowed out pebble! The curly hippocampus kind of surrounded the amygdala, so we had to carve out the sheep hippocampus to get a better look at it.
    Then, we took a look at the cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into two main parts: the right cerebral hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere. The word "hemisphere" is meant to split functions. Ever heard the word before? You probably have. In geography, the word hemisphere defines the land and oceans above and below the equator. Those hemispheres are called the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere.
    (No, I'm not going to tell you which hemisphere we are in. Figure it out yourselves! Anyway, isn't this science, not geography?)
    Well, a cool fact about these hemispheres: the right side controls the left functions of the brain, and vice versa: the left side controls the right functions of your brain! Cool, right?
    I thought I didn't want to dissect the sheep brain, but it turns out it was pretty cool!

  4. Dissecting a sheep brain today in science was so cool. It felt so weird but i did it. At my table we saw the amygdala it was a pebble shape. Then we saw the cerebellum it look really weird. When I cut in to it I saw so purple blackish color.

  5. dissecting a sheep brain was so awesome!!
    I liked cutting it open. It was so squishy and, slimey. My favorite part of the sheep brain is the amygdala. It is so small!!

  6. It felt so cool to actually touch a brain!!!!!!!!! It felt very squishy.It looked so weird. I loved looking at the cerebellum and hippocampus. The veins looked black. THATS HOW FUN IT WAS TO DISSECT A SHEEPS BRAIN!!!

  7. I loved touching a reall brain from a sheep it was so cool. Also I thought it would be much smaller than it was. And I got to cut off the brain stem which is spinal cord.

  8. Dissecting the sheep brain was awesome!!! It was so cool looking at the hippocampus. It was curvy and floppy. It was awesome to dissect a sheep's brain (poor sheep)!!

  9. Dissecting the sheep brain was grouse! i saw the hiocampus. It was super floppy i also cut open the cerebellum. it was so grouse but kinda cool but mostly grouse.

  10. There are three major parts of the brain the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem.
    here are some smaller parts of the brain.



    *prefrontal cortex

    *corpus callous

    I can't wait to see your posts.

  11. I liked science because we dissected a sheep's brain, and it was a fun experience. It was also gross, and it smelled awful! Here are some parts that I saw:

    1. Brain stem
    2. Cerebellum
    3. Cerebrum
    4. Amygdala

  12. In science, we dissected sheep brains! They were a little bit smaller than I expected, but really interesting. Here are some parts me and my group saw:


    I thought it smelled kind of strange but not as bad as I expected.

  13. Dissecting a brain was pretty cool. The best parts about dissecting is that you can actuallyt see the parts that we learned about like the pre frontle cortex and the brain stem and the hippocampus.I like that you can can have fun and learn at the same time. It smelled weird it did but not as bad as I exspected. I can not wait for forth grade for when you dissect a sheep heart .P.S. the brain was squshy and wet.

  14. From this experience I learned many things about the parts of the brain. One thing I learned that the amygdala is about the size of a bean. Another thing I learned was that the brain stem is pretty small. I thought it was bigger. The cerebellum was striped and so it stood out to me. The feel of the brain was disgusting, but really cool! It also smelled really bad. I had so much fun dissecting!

  15. I thought that dissecting a sheep brain was gross but cool. I learned that the cerebellum is the size of a Jawbreaker. ( yum I love Jawbreakers )
    I thought it was fun but disgusting.

  16. I enjoyed dissecting the sheep brain but I would not want to do it again. It smelled like cleaning fluid, felt like mushrooms, and looked like chicken. I think it was gross, but I am glad I had the experience.

  17. I liked dissecting a sheeps brain. We found the amygdala, it creates fear.we all so found the hippo campus, it stores memories. and the last thing we found was the cerebellum it was fun.

  18. It fills so weird to touching a brain. It was very slimy but still cool!!! it is very cool to see a real brain. we also fond the hippo campus. and i learned that the cerebellum is the size of a jawbreaker. it was very fun dissecting a shepps brain it was not gross to me a thot it was ASOME!!!!!
