A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


We have been learning new information on the amazing country of Peru! Many of us did not have very much background knowledge on this country including Ms. Papadakes!

Please share at least two pieces of new learning that you know about Peru and a few wonders or bits of background knowledge. 


  1. I learned that volleyball is a very popular girl sport. Another thing i learned is that Peru has very big bullrings. In Peru potatoes are very popular. In Peru kids play soccer on the street.

  2. I learned that girls play volleyball. kids play a lot of soccer. potatoes our a very common food.

  3. I learned that Peru has more types of birds than North America and Europe together. I also learned that Peru loves soccer. Kids even play it on the street! Another thing is that some people in Peru some people eat guinea pigs.

  4. At first when I started researching facts about Peru, I really didn't have any background knowledge about it. But now I know so much more facts and information! And it is very very VERY interesting, too.
    Fun Fact Number One: In Peru, potatoes are very popular. Potatoes are EXTREMELY common. In fact, Peru is home to more than 300 various types of potatoes! Holy cow! (I mean Holy potatoes!) That's a lot of potatoes!
    Fun Fact Number Two: Years ago, scientists discovered an ancient Inca teenage mummy known as "The Ice Maiden". She got that name because of the layers of mountainous ice that had preserved her there for centuries, and she probably died as a sacrifice for her people, the Incas, as to have the gods bless the Incas with harvest, crops, and rain. Cool, right?
    Fun Fact Number Three: You may not believe it but in Peru, the Peruvians actually eat guinea pigs! EAT GUINEA PIGS! Eww, gross! They ROAST the guinea pigs and they TOAST the guinea pigs and... I think it's best not to go into the details, don't you think so? But, still, you've got to admit, it's kind of cool...
    But still kinda cool at the same time.
    No. Definitely gross.
    I also learned cool facts about the sports that the play back in Peru. Like they play soccer, but they call it "futbol". Did you know that we are one of the only countries that use soccer as the name of the sport in our languages? Also, a popular sport that the girls play in Peru is volleyball. I'm not exactly sure what they call volleyball in Peru, though.
    Well, that is only some of my facts, but I really cannot wait to learn more about Peru!
    P. S. Thank you to CultureGrams for the really interesting information about Peru!

  5. Today I learned about Peru. here are 2 facts: 1. They EAT gene pigs year round! 2. Bull fights are very popular.

  6. I learned so many things about Peru! Here are some things I learned.
    1. Peru is the largest country in South America and twice the size of Texas.
    2. They have three natural regions.
    3. Lima is the capital and the largest city in Peru.
    4. There population is 10 million, and a quarter of it is younger than the age of 15.
    5. Most people ride bus. Kids in the city ride bikes or walk.
    I also wonder who is on dollar bill.

  7. I love studying about Peru and cannot wait for New Zealand. Fact 1, Lima ( Capital ) has South America's largest University! Fact 2 In the 1800's they made money buy selling Guano " Bird Droppings". Fact 3 Corpus Cristy is a Holiday 2 days after Ester. Fact 4 Peru loves football except the call it soccer. Fact 5 Peru speaks spainish. I love international fair

  8. Peru lost land to chile in the war of the pacific in 1879-83. rebellion fights against the Spanish. most of Peru speaks Spanish.

  9. I thought Peru was super cool. I thought it was curl that people in Peru ate guinea pigs. I also thought that the population is crazy hight! It is 31,036,656! the state bird is so popular it is on almost all of the blankets wall hangings and on most of the clothes. most of peruse people speak in spanish.

  10. I Learned that llamas came from Peru. And that it Andis and and that in South America. The population is 31,036,656 people in Peru. One of the games is bullfighting. Copper . was made in Peru. Made a lot of money by selling gunana bird dropping witch is great firtaliser.

  11. Today I learned about Peru. Here are three facts: the population is, 31,036,656.
    Machu Pichu was built 600 years ago. And finally, the Roman Catholic Church was the state church until1979.

  12. I already know that soccer is a big sport in Peru. (ehem) futbal. Oh and also LLAMAS!!!!!!! Bull fighting is also there. Bulls hate red. The presedent serves for 5 years. And thats all for now!! (llamas are awsome)

  13. For International fair we will go to PERU. Here are some facts on Peru.
    1. Corpus Cristi means body of Christ. 2. the temperatures are vary mild. 3. There are ruins called Machu Picchu they where made by the Inca's before they where extinct. last but not least... Peru is the third largest country in south America. I like studying about Peru because of All of the fun stuff you can learn about it. I can not wait to learn more and blog more about Peru. This is a fact I know about Peru and some other people may know about Peru is that soccer is a big sport in Peru. Maybe I may travel there sometime

  14. One interesting fact that I have learned about Peru is that they have 4 different types of regions...desert, jungle, coast/beach and mountains.
    Also, their main language is Spanish.
    The natives built man-made mini islands.
    Most people are Christians.
    I heard that Manchu Picchu is fun to hike. I would like to hike it one day.I heard that there are ancient ruins there.I love learning about Peru and would love to learn more!

  15. I have learned many things about peru. I learned that it snows in peru. And that they love volley ball. And they love potatoes.

  16. I think Peru is very interesting, and I like learning about it! One cool fact that is a wow for me is that the Condor (that plays an important part in folk tales and mythology) has a wingspan between 8 and 10 feet! Another cool fact that is new learning for me is that Peru is the third largest country in South America and is almost twice the size of Texas. I also had one wonder: Potatoes are the most common food there. Why is that? Does it have something to do with their ancestors?
