A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

RAK Week Reflections!

Last week was Random Acts of Kindness week!

Please share one RAK that you did. How did doing his random kind act make you feel?

What are your ideas of RAK that you want to do in the future? Has anyone done a RAK for you? What was it? How did you feel about it? 


  1. Last week I wrote a surprise letter of appreciation to Mrs. Holubec. I told her that she might not realize that she taught me so much about teaching when I first came to Kinkaid. I shared that she taught me to do detailed lesson plans and to be very organized and prepared for the day. It felt really good to share my feelings with her. I feel even more connected to her now. She loved the note and felt great about it, too! I am planning on surprising Mrs. O'Connell with a fun magazine and shower gel. She has been busy helping her family, so I thought she would like to relax with these treats. I am excited to get these things ready for her!

  2. RAK week was awesome! I had so much fun doing different acts of kindness. One of them I did was write a note to Mrs. Lewis! When I walk into her classroom to give it to her, she was so happy. I made me feel good. I have not done my thing from library yet, but I am really soon. To me RAK week is every week.

  3. I got sharpen a pencil for a student. I have done it for one of my friends. It felt really good. I did it for my neighbor. She was very thankful I did that for her. That day her day was bad but when I sharpened her pencil she was very happy again she also made my day better by doing something good for a friend.

  4. I helped Jake hold his backpack when we were going to the big room. And I also traded in my thing so my brother could get what he wanted at DB. And when I was getting my glove for baseball so my dad could brake it in I asked if he needed a water.

  5. Last week for my random act of kindness I gave Coach Wilkins a card with basketballs on it. Next week I plan on giving Lyles a piece of candy for being a good friend. Last week was so much FUN!

  6. RAK week was cool. The act of kindness that I did was lending my little brother (I'm the oldest) some of my legos. It felt so good! Also, my best friend George did a RAK by giving me a rare lego person. For free!

  7. RAK week is a great week to do Random acts of Kindness! One RAK I did is I voted for my brother's cow in the Cow Contest. He was very happy, he even gave me a hug! One other thing is something I read in a book. The book is Third Grade Angels, and the RAK is the main character, Suds, Picks a boy for a game that does not get picked a lot, and He felt good. I wrote a T-S: It feels good to do something kind.

  8. I really enjoyed RAK cause everyone is so nice. I made a secret letter to William Shughart because I've known him since pre-k. Plus I am gonna surprise William with some candy or something someday I do not know when?

  9. Last week I helped Parker carry his backpack. I understand why he needed help it was so heavy! It felt really good to help.

  10. During RAK week I wrote a blog about my mom and said nice things about her. RAK week was fun because in the library there was a RAK spinner on an I pad and you press the spinner and it spun really fast. There are paper baskets on the wall and whatever number you land on, you pick a sheet of paper from that number basket. Whatever it says, you can do that kind thing. When I wrote that blog on my mom, it felt really good to say good things about my mom.

  11. I helped clean up our play room there were so much toys. It took 10 minutes i told our parents that we would clean it up something kind that someone did to me they brought me to the nurse. I also was really careful with Lucy's arm when she fell off the monkey bars because I have broke my arm before it really hurt I had to get a cast.

  12. Two weeks ago, I gave Hale Mure a letter saying all the reasons I'm glad he's in my class. And I'm glad he's my friend. He showed me how to draw better in every way.

  13. Kindness is in the air! We've all seen others acts of kindness pop up in the air. Now, so many people are celebrating RAK week that it can change the world. And all it takes is one person. I hope that people don't just take a little extra effort to be kind just in RAK week, but all the time. If you see a teacher dropping books, help your teacher pick them up. If your mom is struggling to carry the groceries, help her carry a bag.
    But, the smallest and easiest way to be kind is smiling. Just smiling can make a persons brain light up the same way it does when you enjoy candy.
    So, smile to the next person you see, because for all you know, it could change the world!
    My RAKtivist act was to write a kind note to myself. At first I thought it was a funny act of kindness, and then I wrote a kind note to myself. But whenever I read it, I feel encouraged and I feel kind to be kind to myself!
    Remember, it feels good to be kind!

  14. For random acts of kindness week I made a card for William and he made one back for me! It was a good trade off. It made me feel really good to do something for a friend and they do something back!

  15. Rak week was so much fun, rak week I wrote a note to miss Hayden she loved it and made me feel very happy She even started crying. in my opinion there shouldn't just be one week that you celebrate random acts of kindness every week should be random acts of kindness week this week I plan on Hanging out with someone new so nobody feels left out .I loved Random acts of kindness week But make everyday random acts of kindness week!

  16. Last week I made Miss Sherman surprise card to her! It feels good to do something nice to some one! In the future I am going to help my little sister do her home work! and help set the table.

  17. Nest week I am going to help out because there is a busy day were I am going to my softball parade and carnival than I have the rodeo. It is going to be so fun. I am going to be patient Kind and Responsible . I can not wait!
