A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Quality Posts are Us!

We are learning to blog our thoughtful comments! We know that a quality blog comment...

  • answers the question of the post.
  • is usually three or more sentences.
  • has correct capitalization and ending marks.
Please let me know specifically what you think about third grade so far.  What is your favorite part or parts of the day? Do you like our classroom? Do you like our Memorable Lines Wall? Fancy Word Wall? I am very CURIOUS about your feeling about third grade!


  1. I really like third grade this year so far! My favorite part of the day is a tie between 30-G and math groups. I love watching you all fall into black hole books and I love working with you all in small groups. I am enjoying the new carpet this year.

  2. I love third grade so far! I love 30G Writer's Workshop and Lunch the most. I really like the playground equipment at recess. I think I will enjoy the whole year!

  3. I like third grade so far. My favorite thing is P.E . My favorite thing is 30g

  4. One of my favorite times of the day is 30g. I like the new rug. I like the morning meeting also.

  5. I really like third grade so far! my favorite part of the day is writers workshop. I love the memorable lines wall and the fancy word wall. I love the classroom too.

  6. i love 3rd grade so far. My favorite special is science. I love drawing.

  7. So far I really like third grade! My favorite part of the day is a tie between 30-G and art. My favorite thing in the room is the Memorable Lines Wall.

  8. I Like third so far. I love the class room allot. I love that we since 2 times P.E

  9. i love thrade grade 3 it is fun my teatcher is nice

  10. I like p.e., math and science. . 30-G is awesome. The fancy word wall is fun.

  11. My favorite part of the day is writers work shop. I am having so much fun in third grade! I think the fancy word wall is awesome.

  12. Third Grade has been super fun so far! My favorite part of the day is 30-G. To me, opening a book is like being sucked into a black hole! In our room, my favorite thing is the Memorable Lines Wall.

  13. my fafrit part is resees

  14. I like Snack, Art, Science and Recess. I love ConnectED and abcya no the computers:) I hope everyone has a good year.

  15. I am really enjoying P.E., Recess. I really like my classroom. I am feeling good about 3rd grade

  16. I love third grade so far! My favorite parts of the day are Launch pad, Library, Science, 30-G, and P.E. I'm really enjoying Mrs P and her fun activities.

  17. I love third grade! My favorite part is art, science, and launch pad. And I LOVE both

  18. I really like third grade this year. My favorite part of the day is science. I love how to steal a dog. My favorite part of the classroom is the lounge.
