A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Attitude of Gratitude!

I am so very grateful for many of the wonderful things in my life...big and small!

Please share some of the things that you are grateful for...big and SMALL!


  1. I am very grateful for many, many things! I will start by sharing some wonderful things from today! First of all, I am grateful for my warm cozy bed. When I woke up this morning, I was loving hearing the raindrops fall on my roof and snuggling in my warm covers for five extra minutes! I am grateful for my happy, funny, kind teacher friends. It is so much fun working with Mrs. O'Connell, Mrs. Dewhurst and Mrs. Smith. Each one has her own wonderful personality. I enjoy hearing about Mrs. Dewhurst and Mrs. Smith's young children! I don't have young children, so that is a real treat for me! I am more than grateful for each student in 3-P! Each child is like a flower in our classroom garden! I feel like a happy gardener...watering my beautiful flowers with reading, writing, love, cursive, forgiveness and more LOVE! I am grateful for my delicious lunch...fish, salad and stuffed mushroom caps...gourmet at school! I am grateful for my exercise class that I will go to tonight. The music is great and and the workout is fabulous! I could go on and on and on!

  2. I am grateful lots of things. Some of them are school, books, food, water, art, family, and a home. Some other things are 30-G, Ms. Papadakes, and life it self.

  3. One of the things I am grateful for are my food, shelter and family Now here are some I am grateful for, but I don't NEED them. My computer, toys and pets. something in the middle is my bed. I didn't know I was grateful for so many things! And I am grateful for every single one of them! P.S. I am extra EXTRA grateful for Mrs. P.

  4. I am so grateful for my cozy bed. Every morning when I wake up, I am grateful for my family. Every Sunday, we have family game night. I am grateful for the fun and the memories that we make each Sunday!

  5. I am grateful for having my parents and the roof over my head and good health. I enjoy having friends over and having activities in the afternoon. I love having my family and all of that would have not come true if it wasn't for my loving parents. i love everything that I have.

  6. I am grateful for my family Mom, Dad and Kate my grandparents, aunts and uncles. I'm also really grateful for my shelter my house. Last but not least, I am grateful for money because it gets me many important things that I need and things that I enjoy.

  7. I am grateful for many things including my family and my school. I am also grateful for my bed, my shelter and food and water. There are so many thing to be grateful for in the world.

  8. I am grateful for a lot. Here are some small things I am thankful for: my cats, my books, and my Lego sets. Here are some big things I am grateful for: my home, my family, my friends, and my teacher. These are only a few of the many, many, things I am grateful for!

  9. I am grateful for my bed because it is comfy. I am also grateful for my family. Also I am grateful for school and my house. Also just plain old LIFE.

  10. I am grateful for many things. First thing, I am grateful for is my family. Whenever I am sad, they cheer me up. They are always there for me. Without my family there for me, I don't know what I would do. Another thing I am grateful for is my house. It provides shelter and all of my things it makes me warm and safe I am so grateful that I have this house. I am also very thankful for my clothEs without clothes, I would be so cold. And last but not least, I am grateful for food. Without food, I would be starving. I am also very thankful for water. I need water to survive.

  11. I am thankful for my bed because it is soft. I am grateful for my mom and my dad because they're nice/my family. I am grateful for my xbox because its fun. I am also grateful for my friends, football, America, the World, my room and Mexican food.

  12. I am grateful for books because they keep me busy. I also like Mexican food. I also like my family and Ms. P.!

  13. I am grateful for many things so lets get started! First I am grateful for my puppy Chewy, because she cheers me up when I am sad and she is my one and only Chewy. I am grateful for my teacher Ms. Papadakes because she brings joy to the classroom, she is so complimentary, and even more. I am grateful for my parents and family because they are sweet, warm hearted, kind and lots more! I am grateful for God because if he was dead we would not be here right now typing and in school. I am grateful for plants and animals because life would not be the same. I am grateful for life itself because without it we would be dead. I am grateful for my house because it is my shelter. And last but not least I am grateful for money because it gets us to were we need to be and what we need.

  14. I am grateful for a lot of things. One of the many things I am grateful for is my school. It is so much fun to walk in the door every day and learn something new. I am also very grateful for my family. Every member of my family has a different personality which I like. I am very grateful for food and water too. I am grateful for a lot more things like my house, my bed and a lot more.

  15. I am so grateful for my sister because when ever I don't have something to do I play with her. I am also grateful for my entire family. I enjoy watching sports, but my favorite is watching the Houston Astros. I am grateful for so many things that it would take me forever to write them all down.

  16. The things I am grateful for are... First my family because without them A. I could not be born and B. because I would be lonely. Second I am grateful for my house because during Harvey it kept us safe, and anytime there has been a bad thing like the tornadoes it has kept us safe. Third, my friends. If I did not have friends, I would just sit in a corner and do nothing. Also, I would not have fun. Fourth my memories. If they did not exist I would be brainwashed and not have nice things like ornaments and special bears or special toys. Fifth, my toys because if I had nothing to do at home I would have no fun. Sixth, my school, if it did not exist I would be illiterate and uneducated and have no friends. Also I could not have wonderful teachers and because I would not be able to count up to 20 also it is a safe and nice school. Seventh the internet, if it did not exist I would not learn at home nor could I even blog this gratitude list. Eighth, the world I can go on and on about how much I love the resources of the world that make cities, and the beautiful places there are like Florida, San Antonio, I could go on all day finally if it did not exist you could not be reading this paragraph. Ninth clothes, I would be so embarrassed because I would not have anything on me. Tenth and last but not least water and food, I would die in three days without a cold refreshing glass of water, and 54 days without some yummy food to eat. In conclusion, I am most grateful for the most overlooked things.

  17. One of the things I am grateful for is my family they have always looked out for me and supported me. Another thing I am grateful for is all the activates my sister and I do. We are so lucky to be able to do them. There are so many things to be grateful for. The world is so amazing I hope everyone is as appreciative as I am.

  18. The people I'm MOST grateful for are my family and my dog and all my friends and Ms.P! All are superb. The places I'm most grateful for are school, my house, the dam I live next to which gave me a special passion for adventure! And last but not least, the hospital! If they din't fix me when I broke a bone, I wouldn't even be here! I'm grateful for food, and America, and freedom, memories and EVERYTHING! I'm so glad to be here with all you! Without, this world just isn't complete. Thank YOU ALL for sharing this beautiful world with me!
