A Classroom without Walls!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Voice Thread Research

Oh my goodness! I forgot to put this post on after school! I apologize for the late posting.

Please share your new learning or background knowledge about your slide for our voice thread about the Oregon Trail!


  1. Blake and I are studying Fort Boise. I learned that some british company built it. It was built just on the side of Snake River, so thats just a coincidence because I'm also studying Snake River.

  2. i am parters with Sara, for our slide we chose Soda Springs & South Pass.
    I've learned a lot about both, like...
    Soda Springs got it's name because it's water is fizzy.
    The fizziness is caused buy ancient volcanic activity.
    Soda springs was located along the short cut in the trail off the main route.
    The pioneers and animals got sick when they drank too much alkali water from the springs.
    The pioneers used the water for bathing and medical proposes.
    Wagon travel to Oregon would be almost impossible with out the south pass.
    The South Pass is the continental divide.
    The South Pass is where emigrants entered Oregon territory.
    It's elevation is 7,412.
    It's milage is 2.5 miles to the northwest at elevation 7,550.
    It was founded in the 1850's.
    I can't wait to learn more!

  3. I am studying with Evan about Independence Rock. Independence Rock is 128 feet tall, 1,900 feet long, and 300 feet wide. It also is shaped like a turtle. If you were not to the rock by July 4 you were running late. That is why we have a holiday on the forth of July.

  4. Fort hall begun as a fur trading post. It was bought buy an English company until a treaty calmed it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dylan and I are studying Settling in Oregon and the white man over the age of 21 got 320 acres and if they were married their wife got 320 more acres.
    Circling the wagons kept enemies away from the pioneers.

  7. The American Progress was painted in 1872.

  8. Ava and I are partners and we are doing Soda Springs and South Pass.


    Natural bubbling pools of carbonated water, caused by ancient volcanic activity, have long made Soda Springs an attrition.

  9. The first river they cross is Little Blue river

  10. Fort Hall is along Snake River.

    Early emigrants abandoned their wagons at the fort.The walked of the way bye foot or on there animals.

    Fort Laramie began in 1843.

  11. One of the stops was Courthouse Rock.
