A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Would you stay or would you go?

Knowing what you know now about the dangers of the Oregon Trail and the promises of a better life, would you choice to stay in Independence, Missouri or risk it all on the trail?

Please explain your answer!


  1. I would have gone because... as we all know there was free land, fresh air, a new start at life and opportunity. There might have been deaths but if I survived it would have been the right choice.

  2. I would have gone to Oregon for fresh air, free homestead, and religious freedom. But it's a big risk going to Oregon because of:







    So the Oregon Trail has a kind of sad beginning, frightning middle, but a happy ending.

  3. I would go because I would want...

    -free homestead

    -fresh air

    -religious freedom

    and a fresh start to life.

    I would be a little scared to go because I might die or someone in my family might die.

  4. I would go but there are some dangers that would scare the bijebees out of me such as...

    *River crossing




    *No more bacon

    *Gun shots

    *Wagons tipping


    1. No more bacon would even be bad today.

    2. All Rivers but one was feared the most...........SNAKE RIVER.

  5. Knowing the dangers of the trail it would be a big risk to go. They ' re bad things that happen on the trail like death, cholera, not bringing enough supplies to last until you get to a fort, accidental gunshots, falling off a wagon and getting run over, and dangerous river crossings.

    But I still would go because many good things can happen to like getting to Independence Rock early, getting to Oregon City early, meeting nice indians, not a lot of deaths,trading with indians ,marriage, babies born, free land & homestead, and fresh air.

    Once you get to oregon it would be the better choice.

  6. I would stay because I do not like taking risks. There are many ways you can die..... like accidental gun shots, drowning, getting run over by a wagon, and many more. There are also a lot of good things that can happen..... like meeting new people, marriage, and safe river crossing. It's kind of an equal amount but it's so much walking. That's why I want to stay.

  7. I would probly go because even now you could it would still be a fun adveture. It would be fun to see the Indians and deffient part of nature.

  8. I don't know if I would go on the Oregon Trail. But what know one thinks about is if you stay at the 13 colonies all the people would leave and it wouldn't be as crowded and you could move over a couple of miles. But if I go on the Oregon Trail I would get more land. But if I went on the Oregon Trail I could die or one of my family members could die. So I am going to leave it to my cousins. If they don't care I will flip a coin.

  9. The deaths that I would be scared of is


    -River crossings


    -Accindety gun shots

    And wagon tipping over.

  10. I would go for Adventure, free land, free homestead, fresh air,and all the fish in the rivers. But it still is a Gigantic risk. Because of
    1. Cholera
    2. Native Americans later on
    3. Other sicknesses
    4. Wolves
    and much more.
