A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Reading is social!

We just started Book Clubs! 
There are many reasons that I LOVE Book Clubs! As an adult, I have been a member of many book clubs in the past.

Please share with us some of your thoughts on the joys of reading books and sharing with others. Also, you can share some of your first impressions of the characters in your book.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Top of the Mountain!

Writers,we have all been working on plotting out our stories on story mountains. As we know, the event at the top of the mountain is when the problem is at its worst or most challenging point. Please share your mountain tops with us! What is the most intense part of your story...the problem at its worst!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fantastic Fiction!

Greetings, fiction writers!

As we know, authors get their ideas from observing the world around them. Just think about E.B. White watching a spider! 

Please share you story seed idea with us. What do you think your problem will be? Who are your main characters? Do you have an ideas for a catchy lead?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Denmark and South Korea!

Denmark and South Korea are very interesting countries...many similarities and differences!

Please share some of the most interesting facts that you have learned about both countries. Can you make any connections between the two counties? How are they alike and different?