A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blog with our Buddies!

Please click on the link below and blog with our buddies! Simply watch a video and comment. Enjoy!

Mrs. Greer's Blog!


  1. You are so cute. I love the book its adorable. Sienna and you are so good at making books so stay at it. And keep working hard.

  2. Great job Avery!!! You made a great book! Keep drawing because it may get you somewhere! Try to stay at anything your mind goes to.

  3. Awesome job Abigail! That speaker that you made with Rosie was AWESOME! I hope you keep doing more experiments! And I could probably pull it off if you could teach me!!! Anyways, how do you do that!? BYE!!

    Love, Marion

  4. OMG! Wynn was awesome the clay wires and the lights were incredible. How did they make the sound it was so loud. Keep cool kinder. There is a lot more ahead. 3-P ROCKS! l:) BYE!

  5. Cate also was awesome!

  6. Ross! That was so so so so so so super!!!You were so good at that card game! I hope I can have you as a book buddy sometime! Hart, Hart Caroline

  7. Rosie and Annie's video was artistic! I liked how they used different materials to make part of their artwork! I also liked how it was very colorful! I think they should stick to the art because then maybe you can grow up to be a famous artist! Great job girls!

  8. Holden's video was amazing! He was good at everything. I give a personal SHOUT OUT to Holden.

  9. soory I could not blog on Ms.Greers blog my commuter is not working I can not watch any videos but I think they were all probauly so good.

  10. Sorry it was spelled wrong i can't delete any thing write now. :(

  11. I watched Annie's video on hand washing. I really liked it!

  12. I watched Maddie's video about crafts it was really short. But a still a fun video!

  13. Hey friends check out my new Name and pic.

  14. I wached jack ms show. it was short but I asked him a few questions.
