A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Writer's Corner

How are your personal narratives coming along?
Have you read someone's personal narrative that you really enjoyed? If so, please give a specific compliment!
Did he or she write an awesome hook? What kind was it?
Did he or she write an interesting ending? What kind was it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Ben's book had a good hook at the beginning. WE ZOOMED THROUGH THE FOREST ON THE FOUR WHEELER.

  3. My personal narittive is great I am writing about the basketball award I got when i got to got to the reliant stadium!

  4. I really like Harrison's book about drawing it told me so much about how to draw different things

  5. My new personal narrative MANHUNT part 1 and 2 is coming along really good
    But now I'm in the publishing sequence the hardest part !

  6. My personal narrative is going great i like it and i really like Harrison's book about drawing it told me so much about how to draw and i also like Margaix's
    she had awesome hook. Ben's hook I liked too WE ZOOMED THROUGH THE FOREST ON THE FOUR WHEELER.And Alice had one about her dog Alice, awesome hook.

  7. My personal narrative is coming along great! I did read Carter's book and I thought it was really good. I also like Harrison's how to draw book.

  8. My pesonnal narritive is going really good. I'm writing about the time I went to Colordo Bend. Right now I'm publishing.

  9. I read Antony's book the accident to remember and it was a very cool book
    I can't belive the police came and helped him up do you think it will ever happen again?

  10. My personal naritive was about me going on my dad and I's first hunt my dad missed it and I was SO mad at him! I can't wait to publish my new book SUPRISE PARTY I hope you all like it please read my new book HUNTING DEER by Lila Griggs.


  11. Ben's hook was great it was very describing can't wait till he writes a new book :)

  12. can someone please comment on my new book Hunting Deer :)

  13. I also really liked Ben's hook WE ZOOMED THROUGH THE FOREST ON THE FOUR WHEELER. It was very describing and movie in your mind.

  14. I haven't read Lila's book yet but I can tell it's going to be good

  15. I forgot a few of the baseball card adventures by Dan Gutman but here's a
    list of all of them .1 Honus & Me
    1.2 Jackie & Me
    1.3 Babe & Me
    1.4 Shoeless Joe & Me
    1.5 Mickey & Me
    1.6 Abner & Me
    1.7 Satch & Me
    1.8 Jim & Me
    1.9 Ray & Me
    coming soon Ted and me !!!!

    Bibliography wikipedia for list

  16. I like the beginning hook in my story. But I didn't make by myself I did with a small group. Which made me think of the hook.

  17. i read Antony's book the accident remember too lila and it is really good and the police came my so cool

  18. I like Harrison's how to draw book too! I like the fish in the book.

  19. lila your book sounds so good, i can't wait till i read it.i really want to read it and i know a little cause you told me some of the book and the part you read to me was really good and i can picture the part you told me in my mind and so i know the rest is so good and your dad MISSED the deer!!!!!!!! oh my gosh

  20. My story is coming along great! Can't wait to publish. And Ben like the hook!

  21. I like all the books there all so good

  22. I can't wait till Ben's book is finished!
    & Kristen's book sounds good too!!!!
    mine is like endless!!! I keep getting new ideas!
    Especially for another book. I also can help anyone
    who is stuck. Cause I think I found a new strategy!!!

  23. Anthonys book was great

  24. I can not wait to read Bradyns book, "The Time I Swam With Dolphins" it sounds so good! How do you like my new book? Has anybody read it? I hope so.

  25. I LOVE THE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Bradyn I can't wait to read your book, like Lila said. Same with Ben the hook makes me interested!

  27. Lila I think your book is awesome! I read it yesterday it's so good! And at the end a little funny! Great ,awesome book!

  28. Thank you Kristen and Skyler for reading my book I'm glad you like it!
    I hope you read my next book that I am working on!

  29. I really can't wait to read Bradyn's book, The Time I Swam With Dolphins it sounds like a really good book!

  30. hi mine is coming along great and i love everyones and I really love the time i swam with the dolphins

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I love Zoe's about when she got her ears pierced the germ glittering in my ear LOVE IT

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. is anyone else commenting but me

  35. I think Zoe's book about getting her ears pierced was really good. I Love the part when she said the earings GLISTENED in my ears.

  36. Britney don't you love Zoe's book and the part whens he said the earings GLISTENED in her ears. The book is awesome I LOVE IT great book Zoe. GOOD JOB

  37. My personal naritive is coming along great! I am so going to read Zoe's new book when I get to school tommorrow! it sounds great I have seen Skyler comment on the blog about it!

  38. Has anybody had a time when they're writing and they stop and think ahead of their writing instead of doing it? It happens to me all the time & it slows me down, and sometimes makes my story longer!

  39. Yeah Lila, Zoe's book is good, I can't wait till you read it. I can chat with you when your done and we can talk about it and share what we liked about the book

  40. Hey Anthony? Do you mind if I put you in my book?

  41. Skyler, thank you for the compliment about my story. I cannot wait to read your book.

  42. I've got to my favorite part. It's where you meet the white eyed ghost

  43. Skyler can't wait to finish our book. DDA.

  44. I read Bradyn's book it is so good!

  45. I love Zoe's book: pierced. I love the part where she said: the turquiose gems glistened in my ears.

  46. I love kristen's book: snorkling in the bermuda sea. It is totally awsome!

  47. I just puplished my brand new book, Suprise Party the cover of it looks so cool! I also read Kristen's new book Snorkling in The Bermuda Sea it is so cool does she know what kinds of fish she saw? Did she see a clown fish like in the movie, Finding Nemo or a fish like the charecter Dori? Did she see a puffer fish when she was snorkling? I wonder if she saw any dolphins or sharks maby if she did see one it would be a, great white or a tiger shark I have so many questions about the book that she wrote but I might as well save them to tell Kristen myserlf but I just want to ask one more question about the book that she wrote...............Was there any good resturants in Bermuda?

  48. I was peeking at the end of the day at Skyler's cover about her new book,
    Bees Everywhere it looks so cool I wonder how good her book is going to
    be when it is puplished and in those things that Ms. Papadakes puts on the books when they are done I have no idea what they are called but I still can't wait!

  49. If the 5th grade kids were still on this blog I would comment on their book Dear future third graders I would.

  50. I read Bradyn's new book a while ago and I was wondering if I could know where she was when she was petting the dolphins and also did the dolphins ever be mean or did they ever be grouchy and not let you get on their back?
    I hope that Bradyn can tell me herslf or on the blog her book is really good can't wait to read another!

  51. Hey Lila! Your book is awesome! I read it a couple of weeks ago. And I LOVE it because it is so cool!

  52. I'm writing a free writing book called trapped about a boy who is suffering of amnesia and doesn't know where or who he is and where he is is a very strange place

  53. I can't wait to read Margaux's book Snake. It looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey Margaux, is your book done yet?

  54. I'm writing a new book called Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple to give you a feeling... to orange he likes to fool around and play. You might be familiar with his videos!

  55. I love writing! I also just made and published my new book poetry it is dedicated to Ms. Papadakes i've got poems about dogs, snakes, animals, people, and night time. I can't wait to make a new book! :)

  56. Did Hudson read my book yet or not? I hope he did. ???????????????????

  57. The question is did someone read my book yet?

  58. Hey, Alice LOVE the book " Doors Locked Gus?" I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the book! I LOVED your words such as " Sweat glistening on my forehead."

  59. Did anybody read my book yet?

  60. I am writing a new story called The Black Hole
