A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

An Hour with Mrs. Babine

Be a buddy, not a bully!

Please share some of the topics that you discussed in your session about bullying today!

Also, share your feelings about the consequences of bullying on others.


  1. I think that one of the consequences is that you will have guilt and even if you apologize it's always in that persons mind that you said that and you can't change that.

  2. I think that bullying is something that is caused by certain reasons. Not by being wrong in the mind.

  3. What I learned today with Ms.Babine. Is that don't dip someones bucket.

    EXAMPLE:"You are horrible at running" or "you can't do anything."

    I think that you should never bully.

  4. If you bully you might get bullied to. So treat people the way you want to be treated.

  5. I think the session with Mrs.Babine went well, because we got the message about bullying. And for the ones who do bully, I hope you listened.But I think the consequences would probably pretty bad! But we came up with a little saying for the Lower School! And there's a competition on who's is the best. Game on!

  6. We discussed all the different ways to bully someone which are, using your words, using your body, posting stuff online about them, etc. We also talked about having a pledge that we say every morning and we are competing against 2nd and 4th grade to create the pledge. I hope our pledge wins!

  7. I think bullying is very bad to do to your friends or others. If someone bullies maybe he or she didn't want to get bullied so he or she bullied the other person first. Maybe if someone bullies the person being bullied will become a bully.

  8. Bullying is very bad!!

    If you feel like your bullying
    Here are the steps:

    tell them your sorry

    and then never do it again

    here are some things you can do

    Tell a teacher

    get a friend to help

    or stand against them

    the more you stand against them smaller they will get!!!!!!!!!

  9. I still can not belive that 76 out of 100 children get bullied. I can relate because I have been bullied bfore about my size. It really dipped my bucket so I know how it feals to be bullied. I think the frase be a budy not a bullie.More people should try to stand up for themselfs when they get bullied I did and I do not get bullied hardly ever.

  10. I love that we got to have a talk about bullys with Ms. Babine it was really fun we talked about treating people how you want to be treated and then we also talked about when you are a bully it can hurt everybody's life and then we talked about how there are 3 ways you can bully, physically, or by useing mean words or calling people names, or there is one way you can text something embarissing about another person. You better not use any of theese ways to bully! :)

  11. the best part about having an hour with Ms. Babine was that we got to make a pledge and then the 2nd, 3,rd, and 4th graders get to make a pledge about how to start the day I really hope the 3rd graders win!

  12. I still can not belive that 76 out of 100 children get bullied the best part about having an hour with Ms. Babine was that we got to make a pledge and then the 2nd, 3,rd, and 4th graders get to make a pledge about how to start the day I really hope the 3rd graders win! there are 3 ways you can bully, physically, or by useing mean words or calling people names, or there is one way you can text something embarissing about another person.

  13. The consequences of bulling could be bad for either the bully or the person who is getting bullied. The person who is getting bullied could have their feelings hurt or could have a bad fracture. The bully could get grounded for bulling or they could end up with an injury. But bulling is wrong so there probably wont be a bully in the first place. But if there is, those would be some consequences for bulling.

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  16. No buling if you do shame on you shame on you.

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  18. Be a Buddy not a bully.You could tell a teacher a princble Or you could stand up to him or her BULLYING IS WRONG STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE ARE 76 OUT OF 100 make it go down please
