A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November is the month of gratitude!

When you start listing the things that you area grateful for, you will realize that you are one of the luckiest people on Earth!

Please share some of the people and things that you are fill your heart with thanksgiving!


  1. I love this topic! I am so very grateful for my sisters. Nicole and Georgy Ann both are very special to me is very different ways. Nicole is the best listener and always ready to hear my trouble or funnies of the day. My sister Georgy Ann is always so much fun and full of energy. She is always doing many interesting things at once.Georgy Ann is never boring! So whenever I need a good listener, I call Nicole. Whenever I need a new idea or help with a project, I call Georgy Ann!

  2. I am grateful for having a roof over my head and going to kinkaid.

    1. Good ones, Blake! I totally agree with you. I am so grateful to be teaching at Kinkaid. The kids are so much fun and ready to learn!

  3. I am grateful for having the food I eat, a family, and a nice home.

  4. I am thankful for everything I have a roo

  5. Sorry my computer froze

  6. I am really thankful for my home,family,food,Kinkaid,and a lot of other things.

  7. I'm thankful for my friends,family school and my house I could go on and on!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am really happy that I have a teacher that is soooo nice and kind.

  10. I'm greatful for... My faimly,my freind,a roof over my head,food on my table,The Kinkaid School,a warm bed,my health,travle,the goverment,our freedom,all my activites and last but not least A AWSOME TEACHER! I,m great ful for a lot of thangs if I told you all of them it would take me to the moon and back 458,458,129,754,534 times.

  11. I'm grateful for my family and for having a you for a teacher and for everything!

  12. I am grateful for my family and friends, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep on,and food on the table. I am also thankful for The Kinkaid School, a car, all the arts and crafts I have, our freedom, and my AWESOME teacher. I am grateful for everything I have!

  13. I am thankful for a lot of things. I am thankful for my fish, my frog, my dog, my hamster, food, water, and MUCH much more. But most of all I am thankful for my family and my friends! And a beautiful teacher!

  14. I am thankful for my family, and friends and my teacher. I also am thankful for going to a great school. I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving. I hope I get to eat a lot of pumpkin pie and you too!

  15. I am thankful for being able to go to school and to be able to have a roof over my head unlike some people. I am also thankful to have food.

  16. November is a great month, the weather gets a little cooler, at kinkaid we have book fair, basketball starts, and best for last, Thanksgiving! Thats right, Thanksgiving, a nice holiday celebrating the pilgrims ariving.

  17. Thanksgiving is a great holiday because we get to spend time with our family members and friends. I am thankful for my parents, my grandparents, I am lucky that I even have parents, the best teacher in the whole world, my school, my house and my lovely sister Carson.

  18. I am thankful for everything I have like a roof, school, my teachers, food and water, toys, a house, friends, and a family. Some people don't have all that stuff. I am also thankful that I live in America because there is no slavery. I am thankful for God. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. I am thankful for my family because what they do for me and what they say to me. Also because if I don't know what to do or say they help me and my family is very caring. I'm also thankful for my friends and teachers because they make me feel AMAZING and they feel like family.

  20. This thanksgiving I am thankful for my ranch, food and to live in this house. Happy Thanksgiving.
