A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


In assembly last Friday, Mrs. Babine talked about courage.
She said that one way to define courage is the ability to do something difficult even if you are afraid.

Please share a time when you have had the courage to: 
  • tell the truth the first time you are asked/admit a mistake
  • stand up for a friend
  • stand up for yourself
How did you feel when your were admitting a mistake. Were you nervous? Were you sorry for what you did? Has anyone ever stood up for you in a tough situation? Make sure to write at least three good sentences.


  1. I told the truth the first time I didn't do my homework page. I was nervous when I told Ms. Papadakes.I got a strike , but I know now not to do it again.

  2. One time a fight got between me and one of my friends. I had courage and said It's ok and that I was sorry for what I did then she had courage and said that she was sorry to. Now we are now friends agin. Sometimes I do have courage but sometimes I do not. I feel bad when I do not tell the troth and I feel good when I do tell the troth. You should always have courage and tell the troth or at least try. You should try to be One and stand up for each other. If you are getting bullied have courage and stand up for your self. If you try to stop getting bullied but it did not work give someone the look then say please stop and if that does not work I think it's time to tell the teacher. If someone says you look funny or something mean like that just say that your different but your special. One time someone said my food looked like barf so I asked that person to please stop but they did not stop so I reported to the teacher. Never tattle but do report. Have courage and stand up for your self.

    1. I have lots of fights between friends too.

  3. I was nervous when I forgot my binder in science, when I had to tell Ms.Papadakes about when I forgot to do my homework, I even have to have courage to tell Ms.Papadakes I forgot to do blog , but not today since i'm doing it at close to 3:15 as my nannie says. I almost forgot ixl.

  4. One time I hurt a friend. The next day I took the punishment. Now we are friends.

  5. Sometimes it is hard to have courage. Like when you get in a fight with a friend. Now I will tell you my story. I had two friends over and we had a fight, one of my friends even took a nurf gun out and shot it at us. We didn't talk to each other for a while. But we finally had the courage to say sorry.

  6. I had courage when I tell the truth even if I know that I'm going to get very badly punished.

  7. Last Friday we talked about corage. Sometime's it is hard to tell the truth. For example if you are playing baseball and you hit the ball to hard and it breaks a window you should tell the truth. That is a example of corage.

  8. I am always very afraid of telling the truth. I am afraid I will get in trouble. Example if I hit my brother and he tells on me I will get in trouble but I have learned that if you don't tell the truth you get in more trouble. So if you tell the truth you have courage.

    1. I should have added that in my coment but I did'nt. Good coment.

  9. I had courage one summer when I did a flip off the high dive at a pool. I didn't land the flip though, I landed on my chest. It wasn't too comfortable feeling like an elephant just stepped on your heart.

  10. One day my dad told me to do a flip off of the side of the pool. I was really scared but I tried 5 or 6 times then I did it . That I think was a work of courage.

  11. One day I oneness was going to jump of the cliff in to the water but then did not want to .Then I did it. And I think I that is courage.

  12. Cade took my idea one time I jumped off a 28 foot cliff in to water. I have also have stood up to people, and I have helped people stand up to other people. When I had my eye suregery.I think that is courage.

  13. A couple weeks ago I had done something that I was not supposed to do at school. So at first I acted like I didn't know what Ms.Papadakes meant but then I knew I had to tell the truth so I did. So now since that day i learned that the truth is important. I also have one more story. So one other time my friend and i got in a fight in our tennis lesson. But like 5 minutes later we both got courage and said sorry. So that is what I think courage is. THE END

  14. One day I saw my friend getting bullied but then I stopped it and everything was fine.

  15. This is a true story. I was waching tennis and the teams were Bob and Mike I forgot their last names. They are the best doubles team in the U.S.A. they were agenst some other team. The other team said that the ball was in when it was out. So then the partner said that it was out and to give Bob and MIke a point.{they are twins}the person who sat one the big chair said to replay it on the screen. The shot was in. He got mad I could tell by his expretion.And the person who said it was out had corage.Another thing is one mach got canceled and the twins were in the mach and they did not complain or be sad. They had corage to say in quote'I guess we will do it tomorow bro and did a shake. Also corage is when you tell the truth and dont lie . Corage is when at recess when sombody is treating ou like you have no power to stand up and say then why do you get the power.They probally will say somthing like I made up the game so I control it. Or worse beacause I am a beter than you and your a girl. So I think courage is when you stand up to a bully. This one is a example . So say I as walking along and sombody says to my friend who is next to me do you want to play captue the flag? and I say can I play? and he says NO why beacause I am taller cuter smarter faster a better artist a better singer a better speller and a better person. You should emetitly tell the teacher or quit the game and say anybody else feeloverpowered? And probally some people will say yes and play with you. And if that person plays with the people who ant it his way will probally change his mind beacausethere wont be many people left.So that is courage THE END

  16. When I was younger, I broke a lamp in my room. I didn't want to admit that I did it, but I did. Really it was my friend tat broke it but I took the blame. I call that courage.

  17. Another thing is if you see someone getting bullied, you should try to help them and say "stop that's not nice."

    One time I was getting bullied and I wasn't going to sit around and let them bully me. So I had the courage in myself and I said "Can you please stop? It is really hurting my feelings."

    After I had the courage in myself, I felt really good and really strong.

  18. I think courage is standing up for yourself and others. One time I got bullied by a kid who was older than me. He kept walking by saying mean things to me about my hair. For example he said " Did you get electrocuted " I said " STOP!". The next day I was in the cafeteria and he was throwing his trash away and he walked by and said " Did you get electrocuted" and again I said "STOP!". It kept happening in the same place until I didn't want to be near him. One day I saw him at carpool and I was scared he was going to make fun of me again, so I gathered up the COURAGE to tell a teacher. She fixed it and she told his parents. Remember it's not tattling it's reporting. That helped me learn that it's not fun to be bullied and I should never bully!

  19. Once I was scared to knee board because I have never done it before and every one told me to do it and so I did and now I love to knee board. Last year two kids were fighting I told them to stop and break it up. If some is bulling someone you tell to stop and stand up for other people.

  20. I think courage is standing up for a friend. It can also be trying some think new. Or going somewhere new.
