A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Empathy in Action!

We watched this Zion Harvey video in class today. Feel free to watch it again! It's so powerful and moving.

We discovered our last stance for this week is empathy. EMPATHY is when you put yourself in someone's shoes and try to understand how they feel.

Share with us your thoughts about Zion. How are you empathetic toward him? How does his story make you feel?

I look forward to reading your comments about this amazing boy and his story!


  1. I am trying to imagine what it would be like to learn how to use new hands. I wonder what it was like when Zion woke up and saw his hands for the first time. I think that maybe he was totally amazed to see his new hands. I am imagining that he might of cried tears of joy.

  2. Zion did not care about having no hands. He cared about his family more. First
    I felt sad for Zion but when he got his hands I felt happy for him.

  3. I felt bad for Zion. He didn't have legs or hands. He got his legs then he said "my life is almost complete". Zion was very exited to get hands. He was learning then to draw and play the iPad. He even learned how to swing a baseball bat! I bet he is very happy with his new hands and legs.

  4. In the beginning when I saw he had no hands. I thought what happened? And whenever he got his hands and he said as long as I have my family I feel great. It made me feel happy he loves his family, but felt sorry when he did not have hands. And then when i saw him at the end I felt happy for him because he got hands.

  5. I think Zion was VERY optimistic and resilient. I felt bad for him at the beginning but when he got his hands and legs I was happy and he was too. I can imagine not having hands and legs!

  6. At first I thought it was a little sad that Zion didn't have hands but then it was happy because he got hands. I was amazed that he could do push-ups, color and hit a baseball bat. I can't imagine myself with no hands. Zion had such a good attitude!

  7. First of all, that video was so touching. It makes me appreciate my health and my hands, and legs. I would have never thought to be grateful for those things if i had not watched this video. Zion never complained and I will think twice about ever complaining if something happens to me. I hope that Zion is doing even better. I learned a lot from the video and I hope you did too!

  8. I felt sad for Zion in the beginning. He was optimistic about his life. I felt happy for him because he was able to play his ipad, draw and play baseball once he got his hands. It must have been hard for him and his family. his family is very important to him. This story was happy in the end.

  9. I feel bad for Zion because he did not have hands. Zion said, "I don't care if the surgery goes wrong, all I need is my family." Zion was resilient and knew his family is what was most important. Zion was really exited to have new hands and I would have ben excited too!

  10. I feel bad for Zion because he was born with no hands. If I was born with no hands I would not be as optimistic as Zion. I bet it was so hard to have no hands.

  11. I feel bad for Zion because he has no hands. Life would be hard without hands. I am so happy he got new hands!

  12. I feel very lucky to have hands. There are a lot of things Zion could not have done without hands. Zion was optimistic and resilient. He said that his hands don't matter more than his his family does.

  13. I feel sympathy for Zion. I am amazed that he can do all that stuff with a hand inplant. I love that he loves his family and he said family is more important then his hand inplant.

  14. this video was so tuching

  15. After I watched this video I tried to do stuff without using my hands. It was extremely difficult. I also showed my mom the video, she had tears in her eyes. I feel so blessed that I have hands to help me every day. My mom and I also realized that he had no legs either. He got bilateral implants for his legs as well. Even though I empathize for him but I am also very proud of his persistance, resiliance, effort, and optimism.

  16. When I first saw Zion without hands I felt sorry for him, but then when I found out that he was going to get new hands I was happy for him. I think he was flexible, optimistic, persistent, brave, and strong. I can only imagine having a live without hands and not being able to do certain stuff. I appreciate having hands, though I feel bad for the people who do not.

  17. When I saw that video I felt bad for him because I was thinking in my head how hard it would be without hands. i felt empathy for his family that they had to watch him suffer before he had hands.

  18. I was sad that Zion did not have the possibility to do things that other kids like to do. Like how I LOVE to do the monkey bars. I was so happy when he go his hands.
