A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mindful Breathing

Lately we have started taking three deep breaths at different times of the day. These deep breaths have really helped us relax and get focused. We have also tried listening carefully to the chimes as the noise slowly fades away. Focusing on the sound is also surprisingly super relaxing.

Please share your feeling about our new routine of breathing deeply and focusing on a sound as it fades away. Do you like doing these things? Were you surprised on how they made you feel?

Also, we reviewed the three basic parts of the brain...the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala and the hippocampus. The basic idea is that if you are feeling safe and peaceful, you can use the big front part of your brain. If you are scared, you only want to run away or fight.

You can also share your thoughts on this idea and how it affect the classroom.


  1. I honestly didn't know if you all would like the breathing. I am so happy to see you all try it out. It really seems like you all have found it to be relaxing. I personally think it is relaxing. I hope you all feel safe and comfortable in our classroom so that you can use ALL of your brain!

  2. I like doing the breathing because it calms me. I am surprised that it made me feel calmer than I normally am. The breathing makes the class less crazy and less loud.

  3. Hi! I love the Depp breaths we do in class. I am using this as a example, In the morning it is crazy it is loud and all But then when we take our deep breaths it calms me down. Next, When we do the bell the dinging makes me super peaceful. Well hopefully you like the deep breaths and the bell to! Bye!!

  4. I like doing the deep breaths and the bell. On my Fitbit it has the same thing, but for two minuets or five. The bell is SUPER relaxing. I hope you like the deep breaths and the bell.

  5. I think the deep breaths help me come down when I am being silly. Also it changes the class setting. I LOVE DEEP BREATHS.

  6. I love deep breathing and listening to the chimes until it fades. I also now do it when I need to calm down at home but instead of the chimes I like to listen to the clock. I like that Ms. Papadakes likes to try out new things like doing the deep breaths and listening to the chimes. Our class gets way more quiet after doing the deep breaths and listening to the chimes. I think while doing these things my brain pauses and gets a reminder then it knows it needs to calm down then it resumes calmly. I think next year you should try it with the new students and see what they think. It will be fun to compare what they think to what we think. I love doing the breaths and the chimes. It's basically like a quick meditation. I hope you do too! Keep relaxing!

  7. I like doing the three deep breaths, because most of the time we get back on track and we can carry on with what we are doing. I like when it Ms. Papadakes hits the chime, because I try to listen to the whole thing until it fades away, I do that because you just get so caught up in it and I think the chime is kinda fun, its like kinda like a game! I was surprised that the three deep breaths and the chime, calmed us down. Bye! - Unaisah

  8. I love deep breaths and the chimes. If I had to pick my favorite it would be the chimes because it's super calming. For some reason every time we listen to the chimes, there is always at least one person that yawns. You're so relaxed you are almost tired. I hope this works until the end of the year!


    I like the 3 breasts we do everyday. Listening to The Chimes as they fade away me also calming. I could not choose which one's more calm they're both super calming. It really calms me. I like the lesson on if you are scared the front part of your brain tells you to run away or to fight your way out of it. But if you feel calm and not scared then you can work with your big chunk of your brain. I think a classroom should feel comfortable to. As our classroom is now.

  10. Mindful breathing is relaxing. It makes me work better. The purpose is to focus better by relaxing.

  11. I like the chimes more than the breathing. The breathing is relaxing but I like the chimes. because listening to the chimes fade away is very relaxing.

  12. The breathing and the chimes both calm me, but I like the chimes a little bit better. I learned that if you are relaxed, you can use the big part of you brain, the Prefrontal Cortex, but if you are not relaxed, you can't. The calming tenhniques really help the class get quieter.

  13. I like the deep breaths and the chimes. It makes me really relaxed. It makes me work a lot better.

  14. Breathing and the chimes both help me. But I think that I like the chimes a little more than the the breathing bot it does still help. The brain is very interesting and I did not know that when you are relaxed you think with the big part of your brain and that when you are scared or afraid you think with the small part of your brain. I very much enjoy the breathing and chimes and I hope we keep doing it.

  15. I like the three deep breaths but I don't like the chimes. Like the three deep breaths because It makes me feel really come and relaxed. I don't like the chimes because the ringing noise makes me feel really uncomfortable. Thats my opinion on the deep breaths and chimes. By!

  16. they both calm me but the chimes calm me a little bit more. I learned if you are relaxed that a big part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex works but if you are not relaxed then it does not work as well. Every time we do the deep breathing and the chimes it gets the hole class quiet and every one work a lot better. when we take the three deep breaths you either you look down or close your eyes. we have tried a couple ways hitting some chimes we only hit one some time we hit them all my favorite is hitting them all because it makes the most.

  17. I like the new three deep breaths. I like them because it keeps me focus and sometimes when we just get back from recess and every one is all active we just do the deep breaths and everyone calms down. I like the chimes because the noise is nice.

  18. I love the breathing and the chimes both of them help me so much. Also I learned from my mom, that breathing in make your heart rate go up and breathing out makes it go down. So you should really focus on breathing out.
