A Classroom without Walls!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

30-G Check in!

I am excited to read all about how your thirty minutes of glorious independent reading are coming along!

Please share what you have been reading. Do you have any recommendations for the class? Let's hear about your realistic fictions books or books from other genres!


  1. I just started reading a book called I Know Why the Crawdads Sing! Many people, including Jim Valley, recommended this mystery to me. My mom and sisters are also reading this book...family book club! The story starts out in a swamp! The author does a beautiful job helping the reading visualize the swamp area with detailed descriptions. My mom called and told me that the book is so very sad! I told her that we have to keep going! Now that I have caught up to her, I know what she means! The book is so incredibly sad! The main character's mom leaves one day...just leaves! Does that sound familiar? I will let you know how thing progress as I read on!

  2. I am reading a combination of F, RF and GN! In those categories, I am reading Babymouse books, a book called Gooney Bird Greene, and Pig the Winner. All of these books are really funny. I recommend these books for anybody who wants to get a good laugh! P.S While Pig the Winner is short, believe me, its the most funny one out of them all. find it in my cubby! (Its the one with 5 on it)

  3. I just stated reading a book series called Stink. I also enjoy a series called my weird school daze. I really love the book because of Winn Dixie that my teacher is reading to us.

  4. I am reading a book called "Lexie" it is a book about a girl named Lexie and her parents are divorced. She is going to the beach with her dad. Not knowing that her dads girlfriend is coming, and she came a week early. Her dads girlfriends name is Vicky. Vicky has two sons, one is named Harris and he just likes to make truck noises. The other one is named Ben and he is pretty chill but he is always grouchy. I think this book is my favorite book so far I cant wait to get more in the book!

  5. I just started a series called Timmy Failure. The first book is called Mistakes were Made. It is a funny book about a kid "detective". Of course, his name is Timmy. I recommend Timmy Failure to everyone in this class!

  6. my book is a black hole book.It is a Jake madox it is a survivivel book. They are really really really good. He also makes sports books which he mostly rights.

  7. I am reading a book called because of Winndixy. it is super happy and sad. it is kind of like Ms.Ps book. there are many mane characters are Winndixy Gloria dump Otis Ople Franny Block.

  8. The realistic fiction I'm reading is The Thing About Georgie. I know that we have read it before but I'm reading it anyway. My recommendation is Roller Girl. I'm also reading Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse. Jilly recommended Timmy Failure, so I'm going to start it soon!

  9. I just finished The One and Only Ivan. It was the best book that I have ever read! If you ever read this book, I recommend that you grab a box of tissues. I got this recommendation from Ms. P. Some of my friends were also in this book. They encouraged me to keep on reading. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't read it, but they helped me. This is the first ever thick book that I have read and it was definitely will be the best!

  10. I LOVE the Judy Moody series! My favorite is: Judy Moody: Predicts the Future! A good series OUT of that genre, is the Mighty Jack series. And a good horror book is Trapped in Death Cave. READ IT! Unless you don't like horror. The best book I've read o far, is Because of Winn-Dixie! READ IT TOO!

  11. I stared reading a book called Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It is super funny it is about a kid that has a vary annoying little brother. Because of hem he gets in a lot of trouble.

  12. I just finished reading Lucky the Rescue Puppy. It was the best book that I have ever read and I really think that you should read it. It was really sad how Lucky fell off the cliff, the kids were by themselves and the phone died! I am so glad that it ended happy. I don't think that I will read a book that sad again!

  13. So far I have read two realistic fiction books. I'm reeding one right now and i'm almost done with it. All of them are by Jake Maddox I think you all should try a book by him. His books will suck you IN! Right now i'm reeding BLIZZARD A Survive Story.

  14. I am reading Fantastic Mr Fox. I have read it one time it is so great that I have to read it again. I recommend Fantastic Mr Fox and Roald Dahl books.

  15. I love how 30-G is coming along. Right now I am reading 4 books, 1 of them is called All's Faire in Middle School, the 2nd book is called Into The Wild yet Another misadventure, the 3rd one is called Bunnicula Strikes Again, and the last one is called Timmy Failure. Into the Wild starts out in a backyard with a dog named J.J and he is the narrater. All's fair in Middle Starts out with the main character in a tree and she is going to see the Queen to go to take the risk of going to Middle School. I forgot how Bunnicula Strikes Again starts and I also forgot how Timmy Failure starts. I love the books that I am reading right now at Home, School, Vacation, and 30-G!

  16. I just finished a book called The Terrible Two Get Worse. It is the 2nd book of the series. I have the third book on hold at the library. They are about two kids that are pranksters and they prank their principal, their teacher and their school friends. At first they have a prank war the result was they joined together and became The Terrible Two. The Terrible Two is a pranking club.

  17. I am reading a book called Enemy at the Gates. My sister Sarah Grace actually read it before me and said she loved it but it was sad also she said it was confusing, in the third chapter I already thought that General Yeremenko was a Nazi general even thought he was the Soviet's best general which proves to show how convoluted it is, also the text is so small it always makes me sleepy I would probably recommend it if you were in fifth grade or sixth grade. It starts off in western Kazakhstan after defeating the riots then goes about 500 miles to Stalingrad (which is now Volgograd) to meet the evil Nazis and Ukrainians. The Ukrainians actually helped the Nazis, and the Nazis they tried to be friends with the Soviets which worked as they worked together to defeat Poland along with Austria-Hungary then when the Soviet Union were weak the Nazis invaded them. Meanwhile in Stalingrad the "wealthy city" it had not rained in two months the temperature hovered over 110 degrees and the only wind was hot dry wind from Voronezh. Stalin did not intend to defend Stalingrad and the Nazis did not intend to capture it but it lay in both strategic bombing maps. Then the Nazis showed up destroyed the water, oil and recourses and left the 3,000 people stuck in Stalingrad (there were 800,000 people) and they either were starving dead or thirsty. That is where I am in the book. All in all it is a fabulous book.

  18. I am reading Roller Girl. It starts of when she is in 1st grade at recess a mean girl named Rachel is telling everyone not too tech the dead squirrel but in a bossy way. Astrid which is the main characters name did't want to listen and touched it then Rachel said Astrid had rabbis which was't true.
