A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hopi Happenings!

The Hopi get their from a word that means "peaceful people". Hmmm...very interesting and quite a contrast to our Comanche tribe!
Please share interesting information from your research so far.


  1. Today I learned that the Hopi tribe is very peaceful and the food that they eat most is CORN. the Hopi's live in northern Arizona where they have lived for more than 1000 years. They built houses with stone on top of something called MESA,which means TABLE in Spanish.The Hopi tribe was really a perfect tribe in pottery. They made beautiful pots. They made one of a kind houses with stone and lived above or below the MESA.

  2. Fantastic comment, Britney! You certainly have learned many facts already! I am very proud of you.

  3. I learned...
    Hopi children had dolls,toys,and games to play.
    Men hunted rabbit with a boomerang
    Women maid pottery
    Women gathered pinenuts,priclypear,yucca,berries,nuts,and seeds
    A hopi baby is keped from direct sunlight for 19 days

  4. I learned that...
    *The corn that they grow can have roots up to 20 feet [6 meters]
    *The women make a thin bread called Piki
    *The women made beautiful pottery
    *A Hopi baby is kept from direct sunlight for the first 19 days of its life and on the 20th day they have a naming ceremony
    *They have an underground cave called a Kiva
    *They have villages and in every village there is one chief and the chief stays for life unless he gets removed from office by the council
    There is a lot more though I am going to run out of room

  5. I already know lots about the Hopi tribe. And yesterday I went online and learned that when a man from the Hopi tribe marries, he lives with his wife's mother's family. I also learned that the Hopi tribe has a tradition when Hopi men carve Kachina Dolls from the roots of a tree called the cottonwood tree. The dolls stand for spirits of the ancestors who hear Hopi prayers and send and pass them along to the gods. The dolls are given to women and girls of all ages during the dances as gifts and presents. But however the dolls are not used to be played with. they are made to tell children about all the Hopi tribe spirits.

  6. I know a LOT about the Hopi Tribe that I didn't think that they would do when we were voting for our tribe. I am SO glad that I am in the Hopi Group! One fact is that they weave BEAUTIFUL baskets. And they make LOTS of pottery because they are surrounded by clay. The girls should make should make Piki bread in our class so that we can taste some Hopi food!

  7. I know so much about hopi + I just learned
    a new FUN FACT today.

  8. I know lots about the Hopi tribe! for example, I know that...
    *Hopi make kachina dolls
    *Women ware a black gown with a gold stripe
    *men sometimes wove rugs
    *Hopi make beautiful pottery
    *their main food is corn
    *they plant their food in the sand
    *men wore cotton pants
    *they also eat melons andsquash and I think they also eat beans
    *they shoot deer with boomerangs!
    *Hopi means peacefull people
    *men give kachina dolls to women after they dance
    *they have really unique music
    And they have really neat pottery, baskets and jewlery

  9. Hopis got their name from pueblo (peaceful people) They did not have a written language.The Hopi lived in kivas (Hopi houses)made from stone and adobe

  10. I know so many things about the Hopi tribe!
    *Hopi kept children at home afraid school would ruin their Hopi ways
    *Hopi don't move around very much they stay in one place and do everything in the same place
    *Hopi houses were multilevel and kept more than one generation
    *Hopi planted and harvested crops like corn, beans, squash, melons, and cotton.
    * after harvesting cotton, the men wove it up to make robes, shirts, aprons, and wide dresses called mantas.
