A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Shoshone Shout Out!

The People of the Great Basin survived in smaller groups in desert-like conditions! They were tough and clever people.
Please share some of the facts that you have learned already!


  1. The Shoshone Indians lived in the great basin. They had three different groups and some of the north Shoshone went way south and are now called the Comanche Indians. Their main food source was nuts and roots and plants. They hunt antelope, elk and deer. The Chief died in 1900. The Shoshone now live on reservations and some in farm homes.

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  4. Margaux said...

    I have already learned so much. Like how the traveled with the season.and the did not have many chiefs the went to the elders because the were the oldest and wisest.and alot more facts.

  5. The Shoshone tribe traveled in small little family groups lived in caves, wickiups, or teepees. Gathered roots and plants for a source of food and used Pinyon Pine Nuts as a major source of food too and when I say major I mean major! And gathered seeds and grounded them into a meal like mush or bread. Made pottery and baskets and told stories during the winter! Hunted large animals like antelope, elk, and deer! And here's something kind of disgusting they ate crickets poor crickets + I studied the cricket in first grade, offensive! Made clothes out of animal skins. Ad the children had toys made of sticks, rock, and clay helped very well to find food and move! And helped care for family members! Learned to care for grandparents and parents! That's all for now! Bye
