A Classroom without Walls!

Think deeply, ask questions, share your ideas, explore the world...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Same line segment....different design!

Today we all created our own unique drawings using the same line segments.
It was so wonderful to see how differently we all saw the same marks!

It is possible to see the same situation in many different ways. Dr. Simpson made the connection to friendship. Please explain a specific situation when you saw a situation differently than a friend. How did you resolve the problem?


  1. My friend Katherine and I wanted to have a fun night. I suggested that we just go to a familiar restaurant close to our neighborhood because it was a rainy night. She suggested going to a movie farther away and then having dinner near the theater. We both really didn't want to change our own plans. Finally, she explained that she heard that the rain wasn't supposed to come until late that night. She texted me the weather report. I, then, felt comfortable with the new information and agreed to her plan.

  2. Once, my brother and I wanted to go somewhere for breakfast. My brother wanted to go to Taco Bell. I wanted to go to McDonalds. We argued and talked and then, My brother said something (I couldn't remember what it was,) but then we agreed to go to Taco Bell. Maybe I was just hungry! And we all lived happily ever after. I hope...!

  3. My friend and I were looking at the clouds. I saw a lion. He saw space ship. It was the same cloud. We worked it out and it was fine after all.

  4. My sister and I were going to a movie. We were going with my God family. I wanted to see Mama Mia Here We Go Again. My sister wanted to see Crazy Rich Asians. My mom said we had to agree on something or we could not go. So we did rock paper scissors shoot. I won so we got to see Mama Mia Here We Go Again.

  5. My friend and I were playing basketball. Then I shot a three pointer and made it! But she said I past the line. I thought It didn't. But I just agreed so we didn't get in to a fight. Then we had a great time!

  6. Last weekend, my mom, my sister, my step brother, and my moms fiance and I went to go see the movie Small Foot and my sister wanted to go for a run at home. My Mom and I suggested she could run up and down the theater isle. She disagreed with us. Then we told her Hudson is going to be there. Then she cheered up a little bit. She agreed!

  7. We were on vacation with our best friends Presley and Avery and Presley and I wanted to go to the pool but my sister Emma and Avery wanted to go to the beach. We both did not want to change plans. Then the parents stepped in and most of the parents wanted to go to the pool. The reason why is because Avery and Presly's mom saw her best best friend. Her best friend had children so then we all wanted to go to the pool. After all we all had so much fun . but then the next day we all wanted to go to the beach after all no-one doesn't like the beach.

  8. Last week, my good friend Samantha and I were at art together. We had made a painting and cut it into the shape of a guitar. The art teacher wanted us to cut it apart in some way, but I felt it wouldn't look good. Sam was saying "Just do it!". Reluctantly, I began to cut. Then I saw a new possibility! I would make fringe! And so I did.

  9. My friend Jonathan and I, were at recess playing and we were playing dribble knock-out and I was up at the basket against Jonathan. He shoot and missed, then I shoot and missed. Then he shoot and missed, then I was up and I shoot and made it but Jonathan shoot and made it but both of our balls got stuck in the hoop. Then Jilly came with her baseball bat and swung at the hoop and freed our balls then Jonathan said, "You're out William" I said, "No you are out". So we fought then I decided to be nice and go out.

  10. At recess J.D. and I had an argument about if he was out or not in kickball. I saw that he was in the air. But then he finally admitted he was in the air not on the ground.

  11. Thats happened to me before. When I was at my friends house, my friend was invited, too. So he came. We were playing football and my friend wanted to play something else. My other friend said, "I want to play football." We had a debate and football won. It was 3 to 1so we played football and the other friend that wanted to do something else. He did not play anymore.

  12. My friend Marisol and l were having a sleepover. We were trying to decide whose house to have it at. I suggested we have it at my house because it take to long to get the cot out and ready. She suggested we have it at her house because we had it at my house last time I had forgotten this so we went with her plan.

  13. Once in kick ball we where deciding if it was a out. One team said it was a out. The other team said he was safe. So we came to a compromise he could run but there was still a out.

  14. Once my little brother Logan wanted to play a game for a hour. But I said ''5 minutes" But Logan disagreed. Then he chased me around for 27 minutes until he agreed so I gave it to him.

  15. My sister wanted to go to a trampoline park but I wanted to stay home. My dad said we had to work it out. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere but on the other hand my sister was bored. My dad said, ''We will stay home tomorrow.'' My sister looked like she was going to explode. ''Ok but we stay home.'' '' Yay thanks Vika!''

  16. Once, my little brother wanted to play a game. He wanted to play, kick ball, while I, wanted wanted to just, rest. I stated to him, that we just ATE! And I didn't hurl on my favorite jeans! But HE told ME, that he didn't care if we just ate. I went to mom, and told her all about it. Mom told us, that I can sleep for 10 min. After that I got to play.

  17. One morning I looked at the newspaper and said to myself this man said OH NO!! The RED SOX keep winning. I thought OH YAY!! The RED SOX keep winning. As I kept reading, the whole article was about if the Astros where going to make it to the World Series. I had to pretend I was an Astros fan to understand the article. Now if I was in Boston it would make a-lot of sense.
